Below are links to short manuals of specialist sheets dedicated to real estate appraisers to analyze the real estate market from the REX series. Sheets are currently not distributed.
1) rex_trend v. 1.04 – a sheet for the analysis of linear and non-linear trends in the real estate market, determining the strength and significance of the trend as well as linear and non-linear price updates.
Manual for the rex_trend sheet:
A video showing the use of the rex_trend sheet:
2) rex_histogram v. 1.04 – sheet for analyzing and visualizing the parameters of price distributions on the market (differentiation, symmetry, etc.).
Manual for the rex_histogram sheet:
Video showing the use of the rex_histogram sheet:
3) rex_wycena v. 1.04 – sheet for market data analysis, building a valuation model and calculating ΔC, weights of market features and real estate valuation using MASR, MKCS and MPNP methods.
Manual to the rex_qualification sheet:
A video showing the use of the rex_qualification sheet: